I had such great intentions. . .
I meant to write in here frequently about preaching. But I haven't.
I learn, almost every week, that the Holy Spirit is in charge of preaching. The impact of a message depends on whether the Holy Spirit is having his way in me and in the listener. And, while words matter and structure and content and clarity. Nothing compensates for the lack of the Holy Spirit.
In fact, the goal of preaching is for the Word to be a tool in the hands of the Spirit. He creates a spiritual clarity that an eloquent preacher is unable to bring. He alone can open the spiritual treasure chest. He alone can give blind people spiritual eyes and make spiritually deaf people hear.
That is the joy and the frustration of standing in front of the same people week after week. The pleading with God for the sermon is the most important part of the preparation.
Well said! I believe the same could be said of leading worship; the amount of preparation and musical ability amount to nothing if the Holy Spirit is not leading.
Thanks for letting the Holy Spirit work through you.
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